This year, approximately 500,000 Books of Hope have been distributed in Sweden.
Next week, the distribution will begin in Gästrikland and Gävle with about 60,000 Bibles to be distributed.
On August 10, a youth choir from Lemgo (around 70 members) will hold a concert in Kungälv. Additionally, 30,000 Bibles are set to be distributed in the city.
A funding of approximately €180,000 is still required to cover the costs of the Bibles for Sweden.
We are deeply thankful for the distribution of 130,000 Bibles in July and the support from numerous volunteers in Sweden.
We acknowledge the presence of God in all these endeavors. It brings us immense joy to witness many children in Sweden carrying Bibles from mailbox to mailbox. Currently, we are awaiting a shipment of Bibles from Japan to ensure the continuity of our distribution efforts seamlessly. Kindly join us in prayer for the timely arrival of the container and the successful completion of fundraising for the Bibles.

You can support our mission through prayer and by funds -for spreading Bibles in Europe. Help us to print and to build up a stock of Bibles in various languages for refugees from different countries, coming to Europe. Bible for the Nations print NT´s in many european languages, but also in many other languages, as farsi, arabic,somali, urdu and so on. We have a serten time in Europe – where we free can give out the Word of God – to every man. This is a time to act!
Support and give fundson the account:
Bible for the Nations e.V.
Bürgermeister-Ebert-Straße 36
36124 Eichenzell
Evangelische Bank
IBAN DE46 5206 0410 0005 0434 68
Purpose: Bibles for Sweden #114100
If you have any questions or ideas of what else we can do in Europe – in spreading Bibles, do not hesitate to contact us:
Mail: info@Bible-for-the-nations.com