Bible for the Nations Nachrichten

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Änderung der Mitarbeiter bei Bible for the Nations e.V. (BftN)

Ab Januar 2023 übernimmt unsere langjährige Mitarbeiterin, Frau Ingrid Donjes,  eine neue Aufgabe bei Bible for the Nations. Nach 27 Jahren der kaufmännischen Leitung des BftN Büros, wird sie ab dem neuen Jahr beratend für uns tätig sein. Wir sind sehr dankbar, dass sie den neuen Abschnitt mitbaut und uns zur Seite steht.

Bei Frau Donjes möchten wir uns von ganzem Herzen bedanken. BftN wäre nicht das, was es heute ist ohne ihre Treue, Geduld und Kompetenz bei der Arbeit.
Auch ihrem Ehemann, der auch bei BftN tätig ist, möchten wir für die unterstützende Arbeit danken. Das Ehepaar Donjes wird für immer ein Teil von BftN sein und ein Teil von dem, was bereits in vielen Ländern durch die Arbeit von BftN geschehen ist.

Die neue kaufmännische Leitung für das BftN Büro übernimmt Frau Elvine Petlewski.
Frau Petlewski ist dreifache Mutter und ausgebildete Industriekauffrau. Sie vereint ein missionarisches Herz, die Liebe zur Familie und die Liebe zum Wort Gottes. Sie ist mit Alexander Petlewski verheiratet. Beide stehen in der Vision, Menschen das Wort Gottes zu bringen.
Wir sind sehr dankbar, dass Gott uns Frau Petlewski gegeben hat. Auch für ihren Ehemann, der uns mit gutem Input unterstützt, sind wir sehr dankbar.

Als Hilfe kommt auch Frau Katharina Jung in freier Mitarbeit mit ins Team. Frau Jung ist mit Fabio verheiratet und neulich von einem Missionseinsatz in Papua-Neuguinea zusammen mit ihrem Mann wieder nach Europa zurückgekehrt.
Frau Jung, die die Schwester von Frau Petlewski ist, wird für den Webshop und die Logistik verantwortlich sein. Sie wird teilweise auch die Aufgaben von Herrn Benjamin Langlets übernehmen, der sich jetzt verstärkt den Aufgaben der Bibel-Mission e.V. widmet.
Herr Langlets wird auch in Zukunft noch einige Aufgaben für BftN übernehmen. Wir bedanken uns ganz herzlich bei ihm für seinen Dienst.

Wir sind dankbar, dass das Team von Bible for the Nations wächst und sich den Herausforderungen der Zukunft stellt. Jeden, der bei der Verbreitung des Wortes Gottes mit anpackt, sehen wir als ein großes Geschenk Gottes. Auch für die Zusammenarbeit mit der Bibel-Mission e.V., die uns ein wichtiger Partner geworden ist, und die unsere Logistik abwickelt, sind wir sehr dankbar.
Auch unserem Herrn Jesus Christus sind wir sehr dankbar. Wir sehen mit Zuversicht in die Zukunft und sind gewiss, dass ER, der das gute Werk von BftN angefangen hat, es auch weiterführen und zur Vollendung bringen wird.

Roul Åkesson / Leiter und erster Vorsitzender




Biker Bibel- Verteilaktion an der Motorradmesse in Italien

Wir sind dankbar, dass wir vom 27.01.2023 bis zum 29.01.2023 noch einmal auf der großen Motorradmesse in Italien dabei sein können.

Insgesamt haben wir in den letzten 10 Jahren, in denen wir auf der Motorradmesse in Verona waren, mehr als 65.000 Biker Bibeln und 7.000 Kinderbücher verteilt. Viele der Besucher nahmen die
Biker Bibeln und Kinderbücher voller Freude mit nach Hause.
Dann kam die Pandemie, durch die die Messe nicht möglich war. Jetzt gibt es wieder die Möglichkeit, mit einem Stand dabei zu sein. Mit dabei haben wir einen Neudruck der italienischen Biker Bibel sowie eine Kinderbibel für alle kleinen Besucher.
Der Einsatz wird mit dem Netzwerk Biker Church Europe e.V. durchgeführt.

Die Länder Europas sind offen für das Evangelium, aber in manchen Ländern schaffen die kleinen Gruppen christlicher Biker es nicht, den Druck der Bibeln und die Einsätze ganz allein zu finanzieren. Darum unternehmen wir alles, was wir können, um ihnen zu helfen, damit das Evangelium zu diesen wertvollen Menschen gelangt.

Der Bedarf für die Messe sind 5.000 Biker Bibeln und 2.500 Kinderbibeln.
Die Kosten betragen 22.500 Euro.

Wenn Sie diese Aktion mit einer Spende unterstützen wollen, so verwenden Sie bitte die folgende Bankverbindung:

Bible for the Nations e.V.
Postbank Hamburg
IBAN DE57 4401 0046 0412 6204 62
Verwendungszweck: Bibeln für Verona

Steuerliche Abzugsfähigkeit
Spenden an Bible for the Nations e.V. können steuermindernd geltend gemacht werden.
Eine Spendenbescheinigung wird zu Beginn des nächsten Jahres zugesandt.
(Bitte die Adresse bei der Überweisung angeben).

Bible for the Nations e.V
Aulkestrasse 28
48734 Reken
Tel: +49 (0) 2864 882907
Fax: +49 (0) 2864 882909


Bibles for refugees in Athens

In collaboration with a couple who are resident in Athens, New Testaments and Bibles have been handed out among refugees in their own languages.
‘Bible for the Nations’ have distributed 3000 Bibles and Children’s Bibles: ‘The book of Jesus’ among refugees all around Athens.
The literature was taken to Athens personally by the teams of the Bible Mission. There the teams spent several days on the streets, sharing the Gospel with people.
A large delivery of the ‘Book of Jesus’ will shortly be transported to Athens from the printers in Minsk in the Somali language, 10,000 in Arabic and 10,000 in Farsi.
Our experience of recent months has been that among the refugees which spend time in Athens in the hope to settle down elsewhere in Europe, there is a great openness for the Word of God and to receive a Bible.
Donations for Bibles / NTs / Children’s Bibles for the refugees.
If you would like to transfer money, please use the following Bank Details:
Postbank Hamburg     IBAN DE57 4401 0046 0412 6204 62

Bible for the Nations e.V. Aulkestraße 28, D - 48734 Reken  Germany
Telefon : +49 02864 882907 Fax : +49 02864 882909

The Jesus Story Book

Bible for the Nations prints "The Book of Jesus" which is already available in 26 languages:

Armenian, Arabic, Bosnian, Bulgarian, German, English, Farsi, French, Italian, Croatian, Latvian, Macedonian, Mongolian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Turkish, Serbian, Swedish, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog, Ukrainian, Hungarian
The ideal gift for all age groups of children!

The book “The Book of Jesus” is a great resource for groups of children in the community / church, as well as for evangelistic groups and campaigns.

This book tells God's plan of salvation in a child-friendly way. It begins with creation and the fall of man, followed by the stories of Cain and Abel, Noah and the prophecies of Isaiah about the coming Messiah. Then comes the story of Jesus: who He was, what He did and what He taught (parables), his death and resurrection. At the end of the book you find instructions on how to receive Jesus into our heart.

The stories are presented in colorful comic drawings. There are selected Bible passages, explanations and suggestions. It has 144 pages.

“The Book of Jesus” is suitable for children from 6 to 13 years of age. The book is also suitable for teenagers or adults who find reading difficult. For sharing the gospel of Jesus with people who have learning difficulties, it is an excellent resource.

Jesus Bible - in many languages

We offer you the Jesus Bible, a the New Testament in high quality print.The Jesus Bible is published for everyone who has questions about Jesus Christ. Who is He? who was He? What's the point of the whole thing?
Many people have unanswered questions - especially about Jesus Christ. Maybe you presume something or maybe hope for something, but you don't really know.
Many people have never read a Bible. Here's a chance to do it. This edition contains the New Testament, which is the second part of the Bible. This part is especially about Jesus Christ and his followers.
In addition to the entire New Testament, we have put together 128 four-color pages with real life stories from people who are alive today and who have seen how this Jesus Christ has helped them. For example, there is the story of Bettina, who received help in her hopeless situation and how she found freedom. Or from Ingvar, whom almost each one of us would normally have given up on, but for whom there was salvation through this Jesus. And many other harrowing but hopefilled stories.
The edition also contains written prayers and information and other texts.
Read for yourself - think about it - and check it out!
This is about Jesus Christ - because he is wonderful!

Bibles and NTs in many languages of the World

It is unquestionable, being given the task to make the Bible and the New Testament available for every man and woman, that we include migrants and refugees. That’s why we endeavour to print large quantities in these languages. This is the reason we print Bible and New Testaments in languages such as: Arabic, Tigrinya, Dari, Urdu, Farsi, Somali etc.

"Biker Bible"

The Biker Bible is a special edition especially for motorcyclists. It contains the New Testament as well as four-color sections of personal testimonies from motorcyclists from Europe who pass on their experiences with God. It also contains the addresses of European Christian motorcycle clubs and organizations. An appealing New Testament. The total circulation of European Biker Bibles amounts to more than 1.073.000 copies in 23 languages.
Only through the cooperation of various Christian Biker clubs and motorcycle organizations in Europe, this project of the Biker Bible could be realized. During the joint work we became aware that fellowship plays an important role in the life of motorcyclists and that  there is a very large networking bond among bikers.

New cooperation between Bible Mission e.V. and Bible for the Nations e.V.

The cooperation between the Bible Mission e.V., Niedernberg and Bible for the Nations, Reken, will begin on March 1, 2020.

Our logistics and shipping will be taken over by the Bible Mission in Niedernberg in March.

The new warehouse is already set up.

Both organizations continue to work in their usual areas. However, we also see the possibility that we can do Bible projects together in the future.

We are grateful to see the guidance of God in this cooperation. Already at the first meeting, in July 2019, it was clear that the two Bible organizations share the vision received from God: The spreading of the Word of God, both in Germany and abroad, so that people will be reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ and the life-changing Word of God in their mother tongue.

Albert Froese / Bibel-Mission e.V.   

Roul Åkesson / Bible for the Nations e.V.

"Metal Bible"

The Metal Bible is a Bible for those of us who love Hardrock/Metal! It’s a Bible that we metalheads can feel comfortable with. In addition to the New Testament, you can also read about Nicko McBrain, Tommy Aldridge, Brian Welch and other metalheads who have discovered that the Bible has something to say to us today.When you read the Metal Bible, you will find out all kinds of stuff about the main character of the book: the radical, fearless, long-haired rebel who didn’t hold back when he attacked the hypocrisy he saw among the leaders of that time. But he was also a man who especially cared about those who were going through tough times and those whom others looked down on. This rebel Jesus Christ cared so much for us that he was even willing to be crucified on a cross in our place! He sacrificed his life for us. But death wasn’t the end, because he rose again. Because of this, everyone who believes in him can have their sins forgiven and have a personal relationship with God. That’s the main message of the Bible. The idea behind this special edition was to design the Bible in such a way that it could relate more to those of us who are into Hardrock/Metal. We hope that you will get a lot out of it and that the Metal Bible will be helpful to you in your life. Hopefully this “special Bible” will help you realize what an extremely important book it is for Hardrock/Metal fans.

"Kicker Bibel"

Hier erfahren wir, wie die Begegnung mit dem lebendigen Jesus das Leben total verändert und neuen Lebensinhalt geben kann. Dieses Buch ist wie ein Wegweiser und Helfer. So bestehen auch wir das Spiel unseres Lebens und das ist wichtiger, als jedes sportliche Großereignis.

Das Richtige für alle Fußball-Begeisterten mit packenden Zeugnissen von Cacau, Zé Roberto und vielen anderen. Egal ob zum Verteilen, Verschenken oder selber Lesen, die Kicker Bibel ist für jeden Leser eine Bereicherung und gibt Mut, Weisung und Hoffnung im täglichen Glaubensleben. Das handliche Format macht die Bibel zum täglichen Begleiter und Ratgeber.

Die neue Business Bibel

Erfolg, Leistung, Kunden, Umsatz, Check-In und Meetings. Karriere, Familie, Wirtschaft und Verkaufskurven. Was gibt es mehr? Wohin mit dem Ganzen? Wozu eigentlich? In diesem Buch findest du Antworten auf all diese Fragen. 

Es berichten erfolgreiche und weniger erfolgreiche Menschen ehrlich und aufrichtig über ihr Leben im Geschäft und in der Wirtschaft. Hier bekommst du das ganze Neue Testament, einige ausgewählte Psalmen aus dem Alten Testament, geschriebene Gebete, Interviews, Lebensberichte und andere Infos. 

Hier findest du: Kraft für den Alltag Wegweisung in schwierigen Situationen Hoffnung für unmögliche Tage Mut, der die Angst überwindet Liebe, die Lebensmut und Sinn gibt Vergebung, die von Schuld befreit. 

Die Business Bibel – das Buch für alle, die Verantwortung tragen!

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A Biker Bible story, through the eyes of William and Emma.

Dad comes home with a new book

William and Emma live with their mother Sandy and their father Jimmy in a second-floor apartment. William is in the third grade and Emma is in second grade. Their dad Jimmy works as a car mechanic and their mom Sandy works as a nurse.

         Every year their dad, who loves to ride his motorcycle, goes to Daytona Bike Week in Florida. He puts up his tent at a campground for bikers and goes to all of the rock concerts and events for bikers. This is one of the highlights of the year for Dad. He plans for this trip way ahead of time with his buddies. When it’s time to go, he packs his Harley Davidson with his sleeping bag and tent, along with some clothes and lots of beer.

William always waves good-bye when Dad roars off on his Harley along with his other biker buddies Bob, Joe, and Chris. William dreams of being allowed to come with them one day when he’s a little bit older. It always feels empty at home when Dad goes on this annual trip to Florida.

"Somalia Bible"

We offer you the whole Bible in Somalia high quality printing. © Society for International Ministries, 2008
Published by
The Bible Society of Kenya

The main language of Somalia is Somali (own name Af-ka Soomaali-ga) - an East Cushitic language from the branch of the Cushitic languages and thus part of the Afro-Asian language family - which is spoken by around 12 million people in Somalia and neighboring areas today. The language of the Somali people is also used by all minorities in Somalia.

"Amharic Bible"

We offer you the entire Bible in Amharic in high quality print.                                                                                                     
New Translations (Rivised), 2005
The Bible Society of Ethiopia
Amharic (/æmˈhærɪk/ or /ɑːmˈhɑːrɪk/;(Amharic: አማርኛ), Amarəñña, IPA: [amarɨɲːa] ) is an Ethio-Semitic language, which is a subgrouping within the Semitic branch of the Afroasiatic languages. It is spoken as a first language by the Amharas and as a lingua franca by other populations residing in major cities and towns of Ethiopia.
The Amharic language possibly originated as a result of a pidginization process with a Cushitic substratum and a Semitic superstratum to enable communication between people who spoke a mix of different languages.[The language serves as the working language of Ethiopia, and is also the working language of several of the States within the Ethiopian federal system. With 21,811,600 speaking this language in total as of 2007, including around 4,000,000 speaking it as a second language, Amharic is the second-most common language of Ethiopia (after Oromo) and second-most commonly spoken Semitic language in the world (after Arabic).
Amharic is thus a language that can be spoken and read by many people and should therefore not be missing from the Bible for the Nations offer.

Whole Bible in Tigrinya (AT / NT)

We offer you the entire Bible in Tigrinya in high quality print.                                                          

Whole Bible in Tigrinya (AT / NT)

The Tigrinya language (also spelled Tigrigna) is a Ethiopic language spoken in Eritrea and in northern Ethiopia in the Tigray region.[3] It is also spoken by the global diaspora of these regions. 9 million speak Tigrinya.

The Revised Bible in Tigrigna
1998  Bible Society of Eritrea.

Bible for the Nations

"Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20


A companion not only for horse people
Personal Testimonies & NT and selected Psalms in German

Dealing with horses has fascinated people for hundreds of years. Their wonderful, gentle, loving and graceful nature fascinates many. Others admire their strength, their weight, their size and sublime appearance from a respectful distance. Only a few human-animal relationships are suitable to depict the many facets of a human relationship between faith and “his God” so impressively and vividly. Trust, affection and acceptance, but also fear, rejection, refusal and struggle are just a few of the aspects.. They show up again and again on the common path of people and horses. Depending on your personal experience, they lead to joy, jubilation and well-being, but also to frustration, resignation and despair.
The HORSEMAN Bible wants to be a companion and advisor on all, not just “horse-like” paths. It fits into every back pocket and every grooming box. The Bible is therefore not only aimed at Christians who are enthusiastic about horses, but also at those who want or should become Christians. The open, honest and moving testimonials “get under your skin”. But they also clearly show that every person, in every situation, can ask JESUS ​​CHRIST for help and guidance. JESUS ​​CHRIST who knows and loves you. With him you will always find security, peace and quiet - no matter how stormy your life is right now!
This book contains the entire New Testament and many encouraging accounts from people with a great interest.
