Metal Bible
Personal reports from Christian metal musicians, short interviews, etc. For everyone who likes rock and metal music and wants to reach the people in this scene with the gospel.Personal Testimonies & NT in the Czech languageThe Metal Bible is a Bible for those of us who love Hardrock/Metal! It’s a Bible that we metalheads can feel comfortable with. In addition to the New Testament, you can also read about Nicko McBrain, Tommy Aldridge, Brian Welch and other metalheads who have discovered that the Bible has something to say to us today.When you read the Metal Bible, you will find out all kinds of stuff about the main character of the book: the radical, fearless, long-haired rebel who didn’t hold back when he attacked the hypocrisy he saw among the leaders of that time. But he was also a man who especially cared about those who were going through tough times and those whom others looked down on. This rebel Jesus Christ cared so much for us that he was even willing to be crucified on a cross in our place! He sacrificed his life for us. But death wasn’t the end, because he rose again. Because of this, everyone who believes in him can have their sins forgiven and have a personal relationship with God. That’s the main message of the Bible. The idea behind this special edition was to design the Bible in such a way that it could relate more to those of us who are into Hardrock/Metal. We hope that you will get a lot out of it and that the Metal Bible will be helpful to you in your life. Hopefully this “special Bible” will help you realize what an extremely important book it is for Hardrock/Metal fans.
Metal Prayer
Metal PrayerDarf jeder Mensch zu Jesus beten? Muss man auf eine besondereArt und Weise beten? Worum geht es eigentlich, wenn manbetet? Darf man für irgendetwas beten? Darf man überall beten,zum Beispiel im Bus? Gibt es wirklich jemanden, der zuhört undversteht was ich meine?In diesem Buch findest du nicht nur die Antworten – dubekommst Hilfe, um selber anzufangen zu beten. Das hättest du dirvielleicht nie vorstellen können, dass du selber zum Beter wirst!Vielleicht bist du nicht ganz sicher, ob dir überhaupt jemandzuhört. Vielleicht hast du schon darüber nachgedacht, dir selberdie Frage gestellt, gehofft, dass da jemand ist. Hast du schonirgendwann mal in deinem Leben in einer schwierigen Situationein Stoßgebet losgeschickt? Hast du erlebt, dass jemand zugehörtund sogar geantwortet hat?In diesem Buch findest du Gebete für alle Lebensbereiche.